The viable solution
Our purpose is to identify and close the gaps to ensure the successful operationalization of your strategic initiatives.
We enable our clients to safely transition to a new operating model through a viable solution that is based on a comprehensive insight of and how critical factors can affect desirable outcomes.
A viable solution realizes the strategic objectives, and guarantee sustainability within the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Power of the opportunity space
A Viable Solution is born out of a creative process that is based on our Opportunity Space Methodology – OSM.
OSM features adaption to the client’s situation and focuses on solving complex problems. The output is a deep understanding of possible courses of actions and what is needed to be done to achieve the strategic objectives.
OSM is based on best management practices, scientific theories and evidence, as well as strategic and operational planning processes from our military background.
Value of operations
Core value is created in operations and the opportunity zone methodology streamlines the work to identify and clarify the operational gaps. It enables the creation of a new system with all pieces linked together in a modular structure.
The solution integrates all tactical activities necessary to achieve the strategic goals. This is Operationalizing.
Self propelled
A viable solutions is self-propelled by nudging. To make sure you are not stuck with us forever, we use transitive leadership to contain the accountability and knowledge in your organization.
Combined with a high level of engagement in the organization’s people and fundamental problems, we can strongly impact the changing tempo towards a new state. It helps us leave you self-propelled into the future and maybe support you with nudging to prevent setbacks.
Closing strategic gaps
A viable solution close strategic gaps. Our holistic approach grasps the full complexity of organizing a company and focuses on creating pragmatic solutions.
We offer a powerful alternative to traditional strategic and operational planning processes. Additionally, our deep understanding of organizational design for a sustainable operation allows for long-term viability.
It provides for an environment where people thrive and innovation flourish. Our approach gives managers, owners, and organizations a new tool for efficient organizational collaboration.